The Kentucky Farm to School Network is excited for Farm to School Month (October)! Please join us in celebrating.
Teachers, Ag agents, school officials – we hope you will take time to celebrate Farm to School Month during October. Our partners at the KY F2S Network have compiled many lesson ideas below for you to use. For even more ideas, check out this Google Doc, which we will continue to add to and welcome you to add any resources/ideas as well!
Extension associates, if you complete lessons/activities in a KY school during F2S month, please do the Network a favor and fill out this Google Form. It will help us identify new opportunities, adjust lessons, and have a better picture of farm to school in Kentucky. Thank you!
Educational Lessons to Celebrate F2S Month
ALL Ages:

Encourage students of all ages to thank a farmer with this customizable graphic (made in PPT). Courtesy of Fayette Co F2S Coalition.

#TeachKyAg Kentucky Farms Feed Me Virtual Field Trips – This collection of videos, lessons, and activities from Kentucky Ag & Environment in the Classroom takes students on a journey to several Kentucky farms and venues so they may learn how farmers and experts produce food and take care of the domesticated animals that live in the Bluegrass. A great interest approach to introduce the field trips is this lesson: How Does My Community Provide What I Need? The series aligns to Kentucky Academic Standards in Primary Social Studies and Career Studies/Financial Literacy. Schools may request “passports” for their students free of charge.

PowerPoint with a focus on how local food impacts our local economy. Courtesy of Fayette Co Farm to School Coalition.

PowerPoint with a focus on nutrition and the nutrition of fruits and vegetables students may enjoy with farm to school. Courtesy of Fayette Co F2S Coalition

KY Ready Set Grow – This collection of lessons and guide to school gardening provides many ideas for using a garden for STEM learning. The curriculum includes many favorites from nationally-recognized Kentucky teacher Darleen Horton.
Middle/High School:

PowerPoint and student worksheet guiding students through an exploration of the economic purchasing locally-produced food. Courtesy of Fayette Co F2S Coalition.

PowerPoint focused on the environmental impact of buying local food! Courtesy of Fayette Co F2S Coalition.

The Kentucky Department of Ag (KDA) and University of Kentucky (UK) Extension have ready-made F2S lessons on the KDA F2S website here. When you go to the site, see below for how to find the lessons. Lesson topics include vegetable parts, grains, local food, and more. Be sure to look at the handouts in addition to the PowerPoints!