KHC Member Profile: Kentucky Florists Association

Each month, KHC features one of the Council’s member organizations to highlight how these groups support horticulture in Kentucky. This month we are featuring the Kentucky Florists Association (KFA). KFA is a non-profit organization that connects florists across the state. Founded in 1957, KFA is dedicated to promoting the development and growth of the floral industry in Kentucky and providing educational opportunities to aspiring florists and established professionals alike.

Every year, KFA presents the FEPK, or Floral Education Program of Kentucky. They offer a 1-day beginner’s introduction to floral design course for florists with 3 or less years experience in the industry. This course is a pre-requisite for the KMF, Kentucky Master Florist training. The KMF is a 5-day training that includes courses on hands on design, plant and cut flower handling, marketing, and business.

Another valuable education opportunity for florists is the KFA Annual Convention. The convention hosts design contests, roundtables, hands on classes, and a trade show. Florists can network with other industry professionals while expanding their skills and knowledge of the craft.

Additionally, KFA offers periodic 1-day design shows across the state. Events were postponed during the pandemic and now plans are being made for shows in the near future. Find updates on this and other education opportunities KFA’s Facebook page and website.