Small Producer Workshop

Kentucky State University is hosting a free workshop on cooperative development and marketing, business planning, funding resources (grants and loans), marketing, and recordkeeping at the Bath County Cooperative Extension Service Office from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (local time).  Register via email:

MarketReady (KSU’s Third Thursday Thing)

MarketReady seeks to educate local food suppliers to help them succeed in today’s local markets. The program is designed for those who sell agricultural products, and teachers how to establish an efficient business and food safety strategy to achieve sccess. If you're interested in selling to restaurants, grocers/wholesalers/retailers, and schools MarketReady can help you. Also, those who want to explore … Continue reading "MarketReady (KSU’s Third Thursday Thing)"

Transitional Organic Vegetable Producion

Carter Farms, North Madisonville, KY See how transitioning to certified organic production is possible on this diversified vegetable farm. Hear from the farmer and how they prepared for certification. Learn about market opportunities from  Jon Cambron (Organic Valley), organic production best practices from Dr. Shawn Lucas  (KSU) and considerations for transitioning production and applying for … Continue reading "Transitional Organic Vegetable Producion"

Small Producer Workshop

Kentucky State University is hosting a free workshop on cooperative development and marketing, business planning, funding resources (grants and loans), marketing, and recordkeeping at the Russell County Cooperative Extension Service Office from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (local time).  Register via email:

Small Producer Workshop

Kentucky State University is hosting a free workshop on cooperative development and marketing, business planning, funding resources (grants and loans), marketing, and recordkeeping at a location TBA from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (local time).  Register via email:

High Tunnel Field Day

Good Thymes Farm 6909 W. Highway 92, Williamsburg, KY, United States

KNLA Summer Outing 2018

City Place, LaGrange, KY 112 S. 1st Ave, LaGrange, KY, United States

Join the Kentucky Nursery and Landscape Association (KNLA) for the summer educational program.  The event is getting back to the basics a little bit this year and bringing in speakers and exhibitors that can help you in your day-to-day business. There will be something for everyone, from the landscaper, grower, designer, to billing specialist, fleet manager, … Continue reading "KNLA Summer Outing 2018"

ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) Course

The ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) course provides an opportunity for professionals in the arboriculture industry to expand their knowledge through education and training in the fundamentals of tree risk assessment. This qualification promotes the safety of people and property by providing a standardized and systematic process for assessing tree risk. The results of … Continue reading "ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) Course"

Organic Hemp Production and Research

Shawn Lucas, Assistant Professor of Organic Agriculture at KSU, and the KSU Organic Program staff will host this OAK Field Day at KSU’s Harold R Benson Research and Demonstration Farm focusing on KSU’s current organic hemp research, including use of hemp in a grain rotation, and organic soil fertility via integrated livestock production. Three major … Continue reading "Organic Hemp Production and Research"