FSMA Produce Safety Alliance Training (Virtual)

Who Should Attend: Fruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), co-management, and the proposed FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. Register by December 18 with: Badrinath Jagannathan Email – badrivj@uky.edu Address – Badrinath Jagannathan 325 Cooper Drive, Room 210 W.P Garrigus building Department … Continue reading "FSMA Produce Safety Alliance Training (Virtual)"

2021 Farmers Market Short Course

Calling all farmers’ market leaders and farmers’ market vendors! Join us for a virtual short course on farmers’ markets. Come learn how to grow your market and grow your individual sales. Sessions will include updates from the KY Department of Ag and other support organizations and an open round table where you can ask questions … Continue reading "2021 Farmers Market Short Course"

Innovations in State Policy and Implications for Local and Regional Food Sectors

Join the Local Food Systems Working Group for the upcoming Local and Regional Food Systems Response to COVID webinar. January 25, 2021 – 1-2pm EST – Innovations in State Policy and Implications for Local and Regional Food Sectors This is part of a monthly webinar series, which will be held on the 3rd Monday of each month … Continue reading "Innovations in State Policy and Implications for Local and Regional Food Sectors"

Organic Association of Kentucky (OAK) Conference

The annual OAK Conference will be January 26-30th: five days of virtual live sessions and networking. Enjoy live sessions with keynote speakers, regional experts and farmer round table discussions every day - all from the comfort of your home. Keynotes include Leah Penniman, Jean-Martin Fortier, Judith Schwartz and Will Harris. Topics to be explored: regenerative grazing management, market … Continue reading "Organic Association of Kentucky (OAK) Conference"

2021 Kentucky Fruit & Vegetable Virtual Conference (Vegetable and Fruit Production)

Our Conference will continue to be the premier event in Kentucky for produce growers to interact and learn. The virtual conference will be conducted using the Zoom platform. Registered participants will be emailed an invitation that contains a link to be used to join the Conference from the location of their choice. Tuesday, January 26 … Continue reading "2021 Kentucky Fruit & Vegetable Virtual Conference (Vegetable and Fruit Production)"

Homebased Microprocessor Workshop – Meade Co

Homebased microprocessors are farmers who grow and harvest produce to use in their value-added products.  Homebased microprocessors are required to grow a predominant ingredient in the products they make.  Homebased microprocessors are allowed to make higher risk products such as canned tomatoes, pickled fruits and vegetables, salsa, barbecue sauce, pepper or herb jellies, vinegars, low … Continue reading "Homebased Microprocessor Workshop – Meade Co"

Homebased Microprocessor Virtual Workshop – Grayson Co

Homebased microprocessors are farmers who grow and harvest produce to use in their value-added products.  Homebased microprocessors are required to grow a predominant ingredient in the products they make.  Homebased microprocessors are allowed to make higher risk products such as canned tomatoes, pickled fruits and vegetables, salsa, barbecue sauce, pepper or herb jellies, vinegars, low … Continue reading "Homebased Microprocessor Virtual Workshop – Grayson Co"

KY Turf & Landscape Management Short Course – Day 1

Make plans now to attend the 44th Annual UK Turf and Landscape Management Short Course! The Short Course will be virtual, taking place every Thursday in February 2021 with an exceptional line-up of speakers and pesticide CEUs. This program provides four full days of comprehensive turfgrass and landscape management education and is appropriate for anyone … Continue reading "KY Turf & Landscape Management Short Course – Day 1"


Homebased Microprocessor Virtual Workshop – Scott Co

Homebased microprocessors are farmers who grow and harvest produce to use in their value-added products.  Homebased microprocessors are required to grow a predominant ingredient in the products they make.  Homebased microprocessors are allowed to make higher risk products such as canned tomatoes, pickled fruits and vegetables, salsa, barbecue sauce, pepper or herb jellies, vinegars, low … Continue reading "Homebased Microprocessor Virtual Workshop – Scott Co"